We proudly represent NardosBouw in recent years.
We change for the better, but the quality remains reliable!

Contact us

Write to us or call us, even if you are still looking for ideas for your four corners. We will be happy to tell you about our work and advise you on renovations, industrial doors or the choice of more or less typical windows. After all, that's what we are for. You are welcome!
Opening hours

We are open for you even on Saturdays.

Opening hours Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00
Sat: 10:00 - 15:00

Loodstraat 20,
Zoetermeer 2718RW
Individual customers
Business customers

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We invite you to visit our office and showroom:

Company details Perfect Kozijnen B.V.
Kraanspoor 50,
1033SE Amsterdam
KVK: 94888981