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Window replacement – a way to increase the value of your property

Window replacement – a way to increase the value of your property
December 9, 2023

There are many reasons why investors choose to replace the windows in their property, but as of the beginning of 2024, one more aspect can be added to this list. This is especially important for those who, for various reasons, want to increase the value of their property or are planning to buy a new one in the near future. Yes, replacing windows can realistically affect your creditworthiness and increase the price of your property. Below you will find some key aspects you should know about.

Window replacement affects property value

Market research indicates that replacing windows can significantly increase the value of a property. But did you know that it can also affect the creditworthiness of potential buyers? In 2024, according to the latest changes in mortgage regulations, the value of the maximum loan granted is closely linked to the energy label of the property. It is worth noting that an investment in window replacement can bring not only an increase in the value of the property, but also improve the creditworthiness of subsequent buyers. So it’s worth considering this option, especially given current trends in the mortgage market. If you have high-end windows that provide better thermal insulation and reduce energy consumption, you can count on a higher loan amount. The higher the energy label, the more you can gain. For example, in case a property gets an A or B label, you can gain up to €10,000 more, and in the case of the most energy-efficient properties, i.e. those termed A++++, which have a ten-year energy performance guarantee at that level, the amount can rise to €50,000!

However, this is not the only chance to get additional funds. Single people who earn at least €28,000 a year can count on an additional credit of €16,000.



Planning to replace your windows? Take advantage of additional funds!

Replacing windows is an investment that can be quite a burden on the household budget, so it is often postponed. However, it doesn’t have to be that way at all! When planning to replace your windows, which will realistically translate into an improvement in the energy class of your property, you can take advantage of additional financing, and use the funds received for what you want.

There are a number of programs available to recoup some of the money invested. This is an additional motivation that allows you to realize your dream of upgrading your property faster. We, as a company, try to monitor the situation on an ongoing basis and always hint and advise, as well as assist in completing the paperwork for clients.

Make a good first impression

Windows are an important element that has a direct impact on a potential buyer’s first impression. Moreover, buyers pay attention not only to the appearance of the windows, but also to the cost of maintaining the property. Therefore, having energy-efficient windows can be a key persuasive factor for those who are considering buying your home.So if you are planning to sell your property, you can consider replacing your windows as an investment that will pay for itself in a short time. Modern windows can make your home more attractive, which can have a direct impact on buyers’ interest and even the price of the property.

Replacing windows not only increases the value of a property, but can also affect the creditworthiness of potential buyers. That’s why it’s worth taking this as an additional argument for why it’s really worth replacing your windows with new ones. Remember that modern, energy-efficient windows are not only a step towards a sustainable lifestyle, but also a wise investment in the future of your property.

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